Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week 21 Image

Over the hump and on the way down! This week was a somewhat uneventful one (the way we like it most of the time) On Tuesday, our long-awaited doctor's appointment will be here. This means that we should know whether we're expecting a baby girl or a baby boy on Tuesday. We're both getting very excited about that. If you haven't yet... there's not much time to cast your vote on our gender poll!

There was a point, this last week, that I was pretty sure I was having a girl. It was nothing scientific... in fact, it was borderline gender discrimination. On Monday I started in a new softball league. I've had several weeks off from softball after the summer season ended. The first softball game was awful. Our team was beat pretty badly. Personally, I played horribly. I batted 0 for 4, had 2 or 3 fielding errors and overall, had a terrible game. I left that game thinking "this has got to be a girl... cause we're terrible at softball". Now I know that sounds bad... and I didn't mean it in an offensive way. It's just that in coed slow pitch softball, the men tend to be way better than the women. I'm all about women playing sports and competing at a high level. It's just that there are some things that men excel at more, just as there are things that women are much better at.

On Wednesday, in our second softball game of the season, baby and I played much better. My cute little niece Morgan is rooting for a girl. When I saw her on Saturday, I asked her if she was going to have a girl cousin or a boy cousin. She was quite insistent that she'd be having a girl cousin. I guess we'll see!

There's no hiding the growing belly anymore. I'm pretty sure people look at me and don't immediately guess I'm pregnant though. I imagine someday I'll move out of the awkward stage of "pudgy" and "pregnant". It is nice being a little smaller though... just because it makes it easier for me to stay active and do the things I want to do. Lastly, I think I've officially been plagued with what I've heard termed "pregnancy brain". It was my turn to teach in relief society today. I was getting excited about my lesson on provident living and felt ready to go. That is, I was ready until I looked at the announcement handout for the day and realized I had prepared the wrong lesson! (i had prepared September's Teaching for our Times lesson instead of August's) That's never happened to me before. Hopefully it won't happen again.

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