Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week 19 Image

Wow... nearly half way. I'm discovering that the angle of the weekly picture makes all the difference. I don't feel like I've grown that much in the past week... although my clothes do continue to feel tighter. I'm going to have to invest in some new skirts or something for church. Today, I had to wear my skirt all the way up past my belly button just so it would fit. The length usually extends halfway down my calf muscle but today, it went just below the knees. Besides the slight discomfort of clothing and the occasional headache, I'm feeling great. Are headaches normal?

According to a website I found, baby Hansen is about the size of a mango. The average size for a baby at19 weeks pregnant is 8.5 ounces and 6 inches in length. Speaking of which, I could go for a 6 inch tuna sandwich from Subway right now!

Trent and I are getting excited to learn whether we'll be having a baby girl or a baby boy. Either way, we're absolutely thrilled. We have another 2+ weeks until we get to find out... so that gives you a little more time to place your guess in our gender poll, if you haven't done it yet! It looks like "boy" is currently ahead. I do think some people's guesses might be skewed by the fact that my brother has 3 daughters... and so it just seems logical that we'd have a boy.

We spend the week up at Bear Lake with the Sharp family. We had a terrific time. The baby even had its first wakeboarding experience! More details on the wakeboarding to come in a post later this week. Stay tuned!


  1. Your headaches could be caused by not enough water intake. :) You look cuter and cuter as the weeks go by! I'm so excited for you and Trent!!

  2. I got headaches for a while during my pregnancy.

  3. Yeah Headaches are normal. I got a lot when I was pregnant with my first son.
