Friday, August 28, 2009

Moving Maddness

We're only a couple days away from the long awaited doctor's appointment. The excitement is certainly growing. On a similar note, I'm growing too :) I had to put in an order for polo shirts to wear at a User's Conference my work hosts each year. The conference is held at the end of September. I really struggled to decide what size to get... not knowing what kind of changes will take place in the next four weeks. How can a person predict something like that??

The one thing I do know is Baby Hansen is moving a lot! I feel the movements several times everyday. The most common time is after I finally drag myself out of bed in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I get back in bed. Falling asleep again is a challenge because the baby decides it would be a great time to move around and play. The feeling is like something I've never experienced before and can't really describe. I feel somewhat relieved when I feel the movements... because it helps me know the baby is still alive! I'm not going to lie... early on, the best part of going to the doctor's appointments was hearing the heartbeat (for the exact reason of knowing the baby was still alive). I guess it's easy to wonder when you can't see/feel anything that would confirm it. I feel a lot more relief now being able detect movements and other signs of life.

On an extremely positive note, I haven't had any additional painful charlie horse experiences. Certainly I'm grateful for that!


  1. Hey girl... I didn't know you were prego. I'm glad I found your blog through facebook. Anyway, congrats! Just for the record: I met "Charlie" almost every morning when I was pregnant, and I also couldn't resist the waterskiing, snow skiing, soccer, etc. when I was pregnant. I didn't want my life to end just cuz I'm fat! J/K I figure if you're used to it... what the heck. Probably not the best attitude. Good luck. I vote GIRL because you are such a tom-boy like me. Then you have to learn what all the emotions from a girl are. Ha Ha just kidding. I have one of each and they are both GREAT!

  2. Just wait until the baby gets hiccups...mine always got them right as I was trying to fall asleep!
