Sunday, August 23, 2009

Week 20 Image - Halfway!!

This is a 20/20 situation... meaning 20 weeks down and 20 to go! My hope is that this experience will be much like serving a mission. The first half seems to go pretty slowly... then you hit the halfway point... and the next thing you know, you're going home. The second half of my mission flew by. Any words of advice on whether or not this will be the same? My instincts tell me a resounding "no"... but I'm still hopeful :)

I didn't have too many issues with headaches but I did meet a new "nemisis". We'll call him "Charlie". One morning last week I woke up to pursue my regular routine. I grabbed the tv remote, turned on Sportcenter, and slowly started to awaken myself and stretch out. I pointed my left foot in an attempt to continue stretching (taking me back to my ballet days). Except this time, the when I tried to release and subsequently flex my foot, it became apparent quite quickly that it was stuck. Pain shot up my leg and my foot wouldn't move. I've never felt a charlie horse quite like it. I let a shrill of pain out as I tried to manually force my foot back into its normal position with both hands. After several agonizing moments, my calf muscle stopped contracting and everything was back to normal. That's not to say I didn't experience the ill-effects later. For three days after the experience, my muscle was super sore and super tight. I'm still feeling some adverse effects from it now... many days later. Did any one else meet "Charlie" while they were pregnant? I don't intend to blame every ache and pain on pregnancy, but it is an easy explanation!

Besides Charlie, the week flew by and I'm still feeling great. We're down to single digits before we get to learn the gender of the baby. That means there's not much more time to place your guess in our poll! Don't delay! Act now! (Does this sound like an infomercial? If so, I think that's great... because I really like infomercials. I try to avoid them though as I am easily sucked in and find myself uncontrollably reaching for my phone and dialing the number to order whatever product is being promoted. Just ask me about my "ronco knives"). Seriously though, if you haven't voted, there's not much time left to do it.


  1. So, do you like your knife set you bought off the infomercial?? Good luck with "Charlie". Not sure I had that problem. Maybe it is just...dare I say...age catching up? No way, you are too young. Wait until you have labor pains. Much more intense than "Charlie". But hey, it is so worth it!

  2. I think I experienced more frequent charlie horses while pregnant. And as for time flying by, it may feel like it speeds up for a few months and then the last few weeks will drag on and on and on- especially if you become uncomfortable. But, then again, my first pregnancy didn't feel that way, if I can correctly recall, it was just the others. (I'm in your ward, btw).

  3. I think I remember my doctor mentioning that charlie horses are caused by some sort of deficiencey like iron or whatever is in bananas...for some reason bananas are coming to my mind as what he told me to eat to help with the charlie horses! Good luck...

    I think time dragged with my first baby...but my 4th flew by like life was in fast forward!

  4. Charlie horses are horrible! I got them at night a lot and it felt like I had a bruise on my leg for several days after.

    I talked with my doctor about this one, but I found drinking a Pepsi (caffiene I craved) helped with my headaches. I got near migraines with my second pregnancy.

    And YES, to me the second half flew by! Once you find out what you are having and start the nursery and start prepping for everything the time does go by faster... or did for me anyway. With my first the end was really long and I couldn't stand it. With my second, he came sooner than I wanted since I never felt completely prepared to be the mother of two.

    You look great though and can't wait to find out what you are having! :)

  5. It is funny because I had charlie horses with my second child. I got them a lot and mostly during the night. T They say take Citracal and that helps wonderfully and it doesn't hurt the baby. I would advise to take it before you go to bed because it does make you sleepy, it did for me anyways. I hope that helps you too. They also say the reason why you have charlie horses is because your baby is taking all your calcium. Anyways I am glad you are doing well and I hope your pregnancy keeps going well. By the way you still look so teeny.

  6. I definitely got more charlie horses during pregnancy! I got them at night and wanted to scream they hurt so bad! I amde Kevin stretch them out. :)

  7. I just had an epihany thanks to you Amanda! During my pregnancy I found a strange unusal bruise on the back of my leg. I didn't know where it came from but it was huge. My doctor was concerned and sent me to get and ultrasound on that part of my leg to make sure I wasn't clogging. I bet I had some sort of charly horse that caused it. Do they cause bruises? I don't know

    My 2nd half did go by quicker, but also I was teaching and during the school year it seems to just fly by!
