Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week 17 Image

Although the changes are taking place slowly (not necessarily a bad thing!)... they are certainly taking place. Because of the heat and the leather seats in my car, I've decided against jeans as of late. It's just too uncomfortable and sticky. I'm still feeling great and staying as active as possible. I did play soccer last week (limited time) but I'm still going back and forth on whether or not I should be playing. Mostly it's just nice to have something to do & look forward to, especially since softball season is over.

Trent & I started to do some work on our nursery. I'll post some pictures of our progress later on. If Trent has learned anything from our experience thus far, it's that he doesn't particularly enjoy working with me on stuff like that because I'm an uber-perfectionist. He'll say something isn't a huge deal and I'll tell him it is... and that our "baby" will want it to be perfect. We'll see how long it takes me to burn out that line of reasoning.

Another week, here I come!