Sunday, August 9, 2009

Week 18 Image

They say black is a slimming color... but I beg to differ. I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. It was an interesting experience, to say the least. It sure did start off with a bang. When I stood on the scale... I had to get a second glance at the number that was registering. (*Note - I've never seen a scale register a number that large in my entire 26 years of existence). My eyes widened as I turned to the nurse and insisted their scale was malfunctioning. She smiled and told me that next time I ought to consider wearing my "light shoes". I looked down at my well used, burgundy Keens with the paper thin sole practically worn off and mumbled that "these are the lightest shoes I own." She suggested flip flops... but I'm thinking next time, I'll weigh in naked, just so I can shed all that clothing weight.

I've always known that pregnancy and weight gain go hand in hand. I guess I just didn't expect to wake up one morning and feel like I've grown significantly overnight. I thought it was supposed to be gradual... so much so that it would be hard to notice the slight changes over the days and weeks. I mean, if you compared week 35 to week 12, the change should be fairly blatant... but the changes week to week would be slight, or so I thought. If anything, I don't feel slight today.

I will say, on a positive note, that I'm still feeling really good. Perhaps if I start looking more pregnant, people at the BYU creamery won't shoot me such awful glares when I order the banana split... the most humongous thing they have on their menu. Surely it is enough ice cream/deliciousness to feed a small, starving nation (or at least 3 or 4 people). I mean, if I look pregnant, then instead of people thinking (and saying through their looks) that I'm a disgusting pig of a person, they'll be more considerate of my ice cream indulgence. After all, she is eating for two people. Who cares if the other person is only a half an ounce right now and she's eating 8 pounds of ice cream/toppings. The baby needs to grow, right?

That's it for week 18! If you haven't expressed your opinion through the gender poll on the right, be sure to do so. I originally had a different poll up... but discovered when it took you to the "results page", some borderline porn pictures would appear. As a result, I discontinued that poll. Moral of the story, if you haven't voted, please do :D

Until the next post!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on being pregnant! I just visited your other blog and followed it here! That is so exciting! Honestly, people in my ward didn't notice I was even pregnant until I was like 24 or so weeks along. My appetite grew ten-fold during the 5th month, and so did the pounds. Don't worry! Do you have a belly band yet... that was my life saver! I just don't think maternity pants were that comfortable, not to mention, not very cute either, unless you want to break the bank.
