Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 24 Image

I've been publishing this "weekly image" post later and later each week. I think most of it has to do with the fact that I get the picture taken... look at it... and then enter some type of state of "shock". I suppose I just don't think I look or feel as pregnant as the picture shows that I am. Some people call that denial. I mean, I know I have a "baby bump". In fact, I read somewhere that my uterus is about the size of a soccer ball now. When I read that, I just kept thinking... I want to play soccer! I just don't feel as if I look like the same person that the picture shows me as. That probably sounds very confusing, but it makes sense in my head.

Here I am... larger than life :)
For real, I think the shirt makes me look bigger than I am. Who was it who said black was a "thinning color"?? On a different note, Baby Hansen played his last softball game yesterday. In fact, we had a double header. I wasn't looking forward to playing two games because I thought one would be enough for me. Baby Hansen and I had two good games though. There's one more game tomorrow but I won't be able to make it because of some obligations I have with work. After the game yesterday, I didn't feel like I could walk very well. I did something to my left hip/quad during the game. The entire second game was played with a limp. It probably has something to do with the extra weight and the fact that I just can't cut and move like I use to be able to.

We didn't go out shopping at all this last week so we have no new things for Baby Hansen. As a result, I haven't furthered my belief that stores disproportionately represent baby girls. I do appreciate the feedback and ideas that many of you gave. I certainly can gain much from the experiences you've had. I'm also grateful for the charlie horse advice you gave me several weeks ago. Unfortunately, my friend Charlie continues to visit me periodically. I've tried drinking more water, eating bananas (potassium) etc but they keep on coming. I'll be in a deep sleep, having a wonderful dream... when the pain won't only wake me, it will cause me to jump out of bed shrieking in pain. Trent is a deep sleeper so it usually doesn't have much impact on him. Lucky guy.

Baby Hansen is staying pretty active. It's fun feeling him move inside of me. I read that the baby sleeps about 12 to 14 hours per day. I have to admit, I was pretty jealous when I read that. How would that be? I'll probably never know... at least not for the next couple years!


  1. YAY!!! I'm so excited for you. Your looking great! I look forward to following your blog and seeing what Baby Hansen looks like.

    Take care!


  2. I understand the not feeling pregnant like you look. I didn't feel pregnant until two days before my little boy was born. My last day of work was on Friday and he was born on Sunday. It was pretty crazy. It's not a bad thing though to not look and feel the same, it all works out in the end.

  3. Anytime I would have aches and pains and ask my doctor about them he would just say, "The only solution is child birth!" Great! Like that is supposed to help right now!! A heating pad usually helped my charlie horses...Oh and buy a body pillow. Travis laughs every time I get to that point in pregnancy. He calls the pillow bill or bob or something like that. The larger you get your hips start to spread and that can cut or interfere with blood flow to the legs when you sleep. Having a pillow there helps a lot!
