Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 22 Image

It was an exciting week for Trent, myself, and baby Hansen. Much to our excitement, the long-awaited doctor's appointment finally made its way to us. Trent and I made sure to arrive on time to our appointment Tuesday morning. Surprisingly enough, we had to wait a while before we could see the doctor and got to have the ultrasound.

Here are some things we learned:

-Baby Hansen is very active. There were very few times where the baby stopped moving.
-Baby Hansen isn't terribly cooperative when it comes to having ultrasounds. The positioning made things difficult to see and the baby didn't seem to care in the least.
-All the babies vitals look good... what a relief!
-Baby Hansen measured in the 25th percentile for size.
-Baby Hansen is a boy. At the very least... we are very confident that he is a boy. We did see him grab himself a number of times... but the images weren't as clear as they could have been because of all the movement.

As for me, I seem to have "popped" overnight. I swear my pregnancy was hardly noticeable on Monday and then suddenly on Tuesday, My stomach was sticking out a couple extra inches.

I think the picture makes me look even bigger than I am. (Either that or I am officially in denial). I blame this partially on the skirt I was wearing. It was a maternity skirt that my sister-in-law, Alaris, was so kind to loan me. I have determined, however; that the purpose of maternity clothing is to make a person look more pregnant than they would look if they just wore normal clothes at a bigger size. I confirmed my theory today when I spent the day with my mom shopping. We looked at some maternity clothing and I tried a few different things on. I couldn't believe the difference the clothing made! It really excentuated the right areas so anyone who saw me would have little doubt that I am pregnant. Since I currently refuse to wear "maternity clothes", I'm still having people shoot me strange glances. With the extent of their inquisitive looks, I don't doubt they are wondering, is she pregnant... or just has a 'pudgy' stomach? I suppose I don't care so much whether they realize I AM pregnant or if they conclude that I have a very disporportionate stomach. Each moment I feel our little baby move, I have little doubts that this is for real.

One thing that is beginning to sink in is the following... we're not just going to be 'having a baby'. We're going to be parents! I'm going to be a mom! That's pretty scary for me to think about. I guess I just thought... "oh, we're having a baby! That'll be so much fun!" Now I'm entering the... "oh my gosh, we are going to be parents. We will have real responsibilities. Our lives will be changed forever!" stage. Yes, it is scary.


  1. Just don't turn into one of those HUGE pregnant women who refuse to wear maternity and end up looking like a lady squished into her "skinny" clothes! I highly recommend getting maternity garment bottoms...not the tops unless you wanna wear a circus tent, but I didn't get the bottoms until baby #3 and they are pure heaven...scrubs bottoms and shade shirts are a must for me too!

  2. I have no doubt that you will be a wonderful mother <3 So excited for you two!

  3. Yeah you are showing better in this one. And I am so excited that you guys are having a boy. Its always great to start a family with a boy.

  4. I think you should start wearing those cute maternity clothes so you don't squish the baby and he isn't brain-damaged. mom
