Monday, October 26, 2009

Week 29 Image

Case in point: Maternity clothing is designed to accentuate pregnancy and make a person look even larger than they may feel/really be. You don't believe me? Take a look:

If there were any other way around the maternity clothing, I'd take it. However, this will have to work... at least for the next 11 weeks. I don't have any symptoms or signs to add to the list I put out last week. I've actually felt really good this last week. Sleeping well at night is a "hit and miss" thing but I'm planning on enjoying the good nights as much as possible. My instincts tell me that a good nights sleep will be harder to come by once our baby girl joins us.

Overall, we're doing well... and we are certainly grateful for that!


  1. You are almost there...stay on target.

  2. If you want to sleep soon after the baby arrives, I swear by the book "Babywise"! It says that 96% of babies on the program are sleeping through the night by 12 weeks. Tad started sleeping through the night at 10 weeks & fusses less than 10 minutes before falling asleep for naps. You can get it for about $5 or less on! By the way, you look great!

  3. You look great in your picture. Hope things are going well. Love ya!
