Monday, November 9, 2009

Week 31 Image

Another week crawls/flies by! The week was highlighted by the following:
  • A baby shower with my wonderful coworkers at AdvancedMD
  • A BYU football victory... finally, they shut someone out!
  • Baby Hansen providing further confirmation of her sleep schedule - consistently waking up at 4am every morning
    (It use to be at 5am every morning... but daylight savings really screwed that up. She hasn't adjusted to the change, and as a result, neither have I)
  • Daily walks on the Jordan River Trail
  • 6 hours of a prenatal seminar that just about scared me to death
  • and of course... last but not least... growing larger!

Just a few notes on the prenatal seminar. I must say, it was very informational. There were things that I didn't know which I was grateful to learn. There were also things which I didn't know that honestly, I may have been better off not knowing. Isn't the saying, "Ignorance is bliss?" What I would give to have remained in a state of bliss.

The one part of the prenatal seminar that was most shocking/eye opening was watching the movie, "The Miracle of Birth". Truly, after seeing that, I am more convinced that human birth is a miracle. The bigger miracle will be if I survive giving birth. In the movie, we watched four different births... including one with an epidural, one c-section, one natural (without medicine), and one where the doctor had to use forceps. The first one might have been the worst for me to watch. I won't get into the gory details but I will say that I started laughing uncontrollably, out loud, while I was watching it. I had a huge feeling of nervousness and uneasiness overcome me during the video... and it just made me laugh. Seriously? The baby will magically come out of me... how?

It's a good thing that I never saw that video prior to getting pregnant. That would have been a very strong deterrent to me ever wanting/having kids. One of the ladies on the video (the one who had the natural birth) seemed to be able to give birth so easily. The doctor barely got to the room in time to catch the baby before it plummeted to the ground. My immediate urge was to find that lady and hire her to be a surrogate for me in the future. As for now... I believe we are past the point of no return.

Shifting gears... I remember being a missionary in the MTC, several years ago. Even though the MTC experience was just shy of three full months, I really enjoyed it. There were times, however, where the days would seem to drag on forever. It seemed as if the days lasted forever but the weeks flew by. In a very real sense, that's how the latter part of this pregnancy has been. Some days seem like an eternity... but before I know it, it's Sunday again... a new week begins... and we're one week closer to meeting baby Hansen. Despite my hesitations/fears about actually giving birth, we're excited to meet the small active baby growing inside of me. When the doctors first told me that the baby was measuring a little small... with her head size in the 20th percentile, I was a little worried... now, after seeing that video, I'm grateful.


  1. We just have to keep out fingers crossed that BYU wins out so premature labor does not occur. Keep up the good work Mommy-to-be.

  2. I remember watching that video! It was more traumatic for my husband than for me, but it was still disturbing. But I don't remember the lady going natural having it that easy. I will NEVER have a baby without the epidural. Everyone is different, but I just couldn't handle the pain. I took a 2 hour nap after I got it, and just kind of relaxed till I had to start pushing. You are going to do amazing, which ever way to go. Loves!

  3. I PROMISE, it's not as bad as it seems. At least it wasn't for me. Then again, I got the epidural, so I didn't feel much of anything. The end result is extremely worth it though. I can't wait to meet your little girl!

  4. Be grateful her head is small. Ally's was a little big and I was a thrid degree tear (yep that's right all the way to my butt hole!) and wow was recovery not fun at all!
