Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 30 Image - 75% of the way there!

I would say this is a monumental week for me. Just think, 75% on a test in school... while not desirable... is still a solid "C". Trent, Baby Hansen, and I all had a great week. For me, this was aided by the fact that BYU had a bye week. Sometimes, I feel better if they just don't even play.

We had a doctor's appointment on Friday and learned we'll now be having regular checkups every 2 weeks, instead of every four weeks. We'll have three of these bi-weekly appointments and then, an appointment every week until Baby Hansen joins us. We sure are getting excited for her to come!

While it may look like I'm trying to push my stomach out even more to make myself look even larger, I assure you I'm not. Good thing maternity clothes have a lot of elasticity... because these things are going to need to stretch! The heartburn has gotten pretty bad... bad enough to elicit a change in diet (no more orange juice)... but other than that I'm feeling pretty good.

One of my favorite moments of this last week was on Tuesday, when I was lying on my bed reading out loud. While reading, I felt something brush up against my stomach... just above my hip. It felt like a mouse or some sort of creature. I jumped up out of my bed, to find where the creature could have scurried off to. Of course, I found nothing and a moment later, I realized the baby had just given me a weird punch or kick or something. I had to laugh after the fact because of how scared I was but I kindly asked her (baby) not to do that to me again. Hopefully she obliges.

We finally got registered (mostly). It was something I had kind of been dreading. I think the reason for that is mostly because it would cause me to realize all the different things that I will have to think and worry about... like thermometers, first aid kits, burping clothes... I don't know... diapers! After registering, I'm realizing that being a mom seems like it is a lot of work. My mom was nice enough to join me at Babies R Us. It was good she was there because I had no idea where to even start. I also registered at Target. I was a little too burnt out to go to the store... so I just did it all online :) The internet = a person's best friend.


  1. Still looking great! Keep up the good work. This will soon be over and then many more new adventures to come.

  2. Oh, the registering. I stressed about all the "baby essentials" too. They do need a lot of stuff but, hopefully, other people will get it for you. And when it comes down to it, they really only NEED diapers, bottles/food, and somewhere to sleep....right?? :) Once you get past the initial shock of motherhood (it happened to me, at least), it all just comes naturally and you realize that most of it is "extras."
