Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 32 Image

32... one of my favorite numbers while growing up. I think it had something to do with the Utah Jazz and some future Hall of Fame basketball player (likely to be inducted next year) who played for them. Currently, it's one of my favorite numbers because it represents progress... and it means we're one week closer.

For some reason, Trent's 32 week image hasn't had much change. He's just not growing like I am! No baby bump there...

I couldn't find my camera on Sunday... so we had to use the phone for the picture. I had Trent pose initially so I could make sure it would work. He took his job pretty seriously :)

Baby Hansen is poking out more and more every day. Even black clothes (the 'slimming color') weren't enough to disguise the red belly poking out. At least it's nice to have people know that I am pregnant... rather than wondering whether I'm just gaining a bunch of weight!

Trent's sister and mom (Deanna and Tawny) put together a baby shower for me in Lehi last week. The decorations were so cute, the food was delicious, and the company was awesome. It was very nice of them to plan/host the event and I'm really grateful. It was fun getting together with the wonderful people who came. I wish I had some pictures to post (did I mention I can't find my camera??) but I will say that Baby Hansen will be very well dressed! Besides clothes, she received a plethora of gifts including toys (very important), handmade quilts, diapers, books, and much much more! Thanks to Deanna and Tawny... and everyone who came! (Especially those who had to battle the terrible traffic to get there).

All in all, another good week... gone.

1 comment:

  1. We loved having the baby shower for you! Baby girl Hansen has the cutest clothes! I love all the pink. So excited for you guys!
