Thursday, June 11, 2009

Another 1st... throwing up

I've felt sick on more than one occasion so far... but nothing compared to the horror stories I've read about online. In fact, I've been pretty grateful that my feeling of nausea is as minimal as it is. Several months before finding out I was pregnant, I was "blog stalking" and read over a post in which some people suggested morning sickness is all in a person's head. I made the mistake of mentioning that to my Aunt Juanita (who is also pregnant and has been pretty sick). Now I'm thinking I may be eating my words (and then possibly regurgitating them). As it stands, in my mind, I'm perfectly healthy and feel great. However, that is not the way I felt this morning.

I've found that I can't let myself get hungry... because that's when I start to feel sick. The hungrier I get, the less able I am to eat anything. I've been waking up early and forcing myself to eat a bowl of cereal as soon as I get out of the shower. This morning, cereal sounded so gross. Instead, as soon as I started to feel hungry, I went downstairs and grabbed a raspberry yogurt. I brought it back upstairs, laid in bed with Sports Center on the tv, and tried to down the yogurt. I felt fine until I got out of bed to continue getting ready for work. After I brushed my teeth, I felt like I would vomit. However, I've felt that way before... so I didn't take it too seriously. This time was different.

I'll spare the gruesome details. Let's just say raspberry yogurt... in the porcelain thrown. I felt much better afterwards. A couple hours later while at work, I felt really sick again. I imagine I was fairly unproductive but still grateful that I only had one episode today. I'm hopeful there won't be many, if any, duplications of the event. Afterwall, it is all in my head, right?

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