Today was my first appointment with the OB. I'm not gonna lie... I was nervous. I was so nervous that I begged and pleaded with Trent to come with me. He was a little hesitant (telling me he couldn't get off work) but at last, this morning, he relented. I was very happy to have him come with me.
You wouldn't have guessed my "happiness" though by the first few minutes we met with the doctor. I can't explain why... but for some crazy hormonal reason, I just started bawling. Trent wasn't in the room yet but when he came in, my eyes were red and full of tears. The doctor asked Trent if I've been emotional lately. He was about to answer "not really" when he looked over at me. He saw that I had been crying (apparently for no reason) and said... "yeah, sort of". I think it was probably a combination of a lot of things.
When I woke up this morning, I was feeling ill, scared, overwhelmed... I could go on... but you're probably getting the point. Shortly after arising, I realized I was supposed to make a dessert to bring to work to celebrate my coworkers upcoming birthday. In a rush, I hauled down the stairs and started throwing everything together. It wasn't long before I noticed I was short a main ingredient, marshmallow fluff. Since Trent was still home (planning to come with me to my appointment) he graciously went to the store to get the missing ingredient. While the first part of the dessert was baking in the oven, I got a quick shower. I had a couple things to do before I could bake the treat for the last 18 minute segment. I'm not an expert baker... but I did my best to quickly and efficiently prepare the dessert. I threw it in the oven for the second time at 7:54am. My appointment was at 8:30am and I was hoping to leave no later than 8:00am to make sure I could find the place.
7:54 to 8:00... only six minutes. Since I knew pulling out the dessert early wasn't an option, I had to resort to plan B... speeding and hoping I'd be able to find the place. We left the house in a hurry just after 8:10am.
Why is it that when you are in the biggest hurry, you get stuck behind the slowest, most annoying drivers in the world? It was painful. I probably could have cut my time in half if I wasn't tailgating people who were going 5-10 mph
UNDER the speed limit! Unbelievable!!
Only in Utah :) I only had to make one U-turn from going the wrong way... and it was a miracle that I ended up at the right place... with Trent following closely behind me. I was only three minutes late so I didn't feel too bad about that.
All the anxiety and stress came to a head when I sat in Dr. Bean's office. He asked me several times if I was okay and I assured him that I was. I likely wasn't very convincing, through my tears. The whole experience was unexplainable. I got a lot of my questions answered at the appointment.
Am I really pregnant?? (there shouldn't be doubt after 5 home pregnancy tests)
YES!! This was confirmed with the ultrasound... so cool.
When am I due/how far along am I?
According to the size of the baby... I'm 9 weeks, 5 days along. This means my initial prediction of 9 weeks, 4 days was only one day off. The exciting part of this is that my official due date is January 10, 2009... on my mom's birthday!!!
Since I AM pregnant, does that mean no wakeboarding this summer?
Absolutely no wakeboarding. I was a little sad about this... especially since the Sharp family is going to Bear Lake in August. We wakeboarded with Jeff & Elizabeth once last year and it was so fun! I was planning on doing it again this summer... but just being really careful and not trying anything stupid. Dr. Bean put a big NO on my idea.
What rides CAN I go on at Lagoon?
I can actually go on a lot of the rides... I just have to watch out for those that have quick stops and starts with a lot of jarring motion (roller coasters). I asked why so many of the rides had a "no pregnant women" sign. He said it was just to release the park of any liability... in case something happened, unrelated to the ride, and the people tried to hold the park responsible. They play on the most cautious side possible.
Is it still safe for me to engage in sports like softball?
YES! He said I can still stay very physically active. He just told me not to slide into bases or to dive for the ball in the outfield. I reminded him that it's slow pitch softball... certainly not worth hurting oneself just to make a good play.
What are my chances of having my baby a little early?
Dr. Bean said I was really healthy... and had very low prenancy risks. He said this was a good and a bad thing. The good thing (outweighs the bad): I should have a healthy baby. The bad thing: my baby might be so comfortable in me that it doesn't want to come out. He said it's not uncommon for someone in my situation to go a full 40 weeks... and I wouldn't be "started" (if I don't go into labor naturally) until I was at least 41 weeks.
All in all, the 1st appointment went very well. It made me even more excited about this whole experience. We're waiting a few more weeks to make our "secret" public. It's been hard. People at my work keep guessing it. I do everything I can to wipe the smile off my face when they say it. The excitement is hard to contain. No one would have guessed I was excited by the way I started crying this morning :)