Monday, January 19, 2009

Beyond Cold

I'm very convinced that I live in the coldest place in all of Utah. While I'm sure the folks up in Logan might have an argument against this, I'm willing to venture that Lehi is worse.

I have "proof" from my drive this morning. Two degrees??? Are you kidding me? Who lives in a place that's two degrees? Are we in Mongolia? This morning it sure did feel like it. The most amazing part of my morning commute is that as soon as I go over the Point of the Mountain, it's at least 15 degrees warmer.

Here's your proof:

Two freaking degrees... brrrr!

A driver's view of Thanksgiving Point. Cold and Foggy...

Four minutes later... over the point, the temperature jumped to 19. It must be nice to live in Salt Lake Valley


  1. I believe it! Lehi is pretty cold and when that wind comes whipping around....BURRRRRR!!!

    What part of Lehi are you in???

  2. I hope you didn't take that pic as you were driving! I sent you an email so you can view our blog. I miss you!

  3. And I thought the high 40s were cold. What can I say, I'm a Floridian...

  4. I took a picture of my dash temp a few days ago to send to my inlaws who are freezing in Utah...when I was leaving the store I glanced down and saw that it was 79 degrees. Sometimes I really don't miss Utah!

  5. what can I say? it IS great to live on this side of the point lol
