Sunday, January 4, 2009

1st Christmas

I realize that I have done a very poor job updating the blog. There is a legitimate excuse though. Shortly after Halloween, my computer hard drive decided to die. With no warning, I was out a computer. The screen on Trent's laptop doesn't work either. This predicament left any sort of blogging out of the question. I have since purchased a new computer so we should be good to go :)

We survived our first Christmas together (just barely, according to Trent). I think he's very happy it is over. I suppose I put a lot of pressure on him to make sure I got a lot of presents (and good ones at that). What can I say, my parents always got me everything I wanted. I suppose that makes me a little demanding and a little spoiled.

Regardless, it was a good Christmas. I'm already looking forward to Christmas 2009. Trent's excited for springtime so we can "get rid of this crappy weather". Our house seems to have more snow than Park City Mountain Resort. We thought Lehi didn't get much snow. I guess we were wrong. Trent is great at shoveling the driveway. He was really motivated to shovel it after his truck got stuck one morning and it took over a half hour to get it out. The fact that we got it out at all was a Christmas miracle.

Here are a couple pictures from the holiday. Enjoy!!

Thanks to Aunt Camille for the Christmas ornaments. Even though Katelyn says they're "old lady" ornaments, I thought they looked great and I love the concept of "free".

Trent admiring one of his many Christmas presents.


  1. YAY! You're blogging again! woot! Glad you had a nice Christmas :)

  2. I really enjoyed your blog. Keep it up. It looks good.

  3. Hey Amanda! Cute blog! You guys look so great together. I love your wedding photos. Keep up the blogging, I'm gonna keep checking you guys out :)

  4. All I have to say is that Trent is a hero for all men out there. He withstood the pressure and delivered the best he could on his first try. He will have plenty of years to hone his Christmas skills. Pictures look great!

  5. I love the size of your presents!!!! looks (and sounds) like you had a great christmas!
